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Publications | Jos de Keijser



Lenferink, L. I. M., Nickerson, A., Kashyap, S., de Keijser, J., & Boelen, P. A. (2024). Associations of Dimensions of Anger With Distress Following Traumatic Bereavement. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 16(2), 176–183.

Nijborg, L. C. J., Kunst, M. J. J., Westerhof, G. J., de Keijser, J., & Lenferink, L. I. M. (2024). Grief and delivering a statement in court: a longitudinal mixed-method study among homicidally bereaved people. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), Article 2297541.

Bovendeerd, B., de Jong, K., de Groot, E., & de Keijser, J. (2024). Patient perspectives on systematic client feedback in Dutch outpatient mental healthcare, a qualitative case reports study. BMC Health Services Research, 24, Article 957.

Boelen, PA., Eisma, MC., de Keijser, J., & Lenferink, LI. M. (2024). Treatment Gap in Mental Health Care for Victims of Road Traffic Accidents. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 31(2), Article e2970.

Buiter, M. Y., Boelen, P. A., Kunst, M., Gerlsma, C., de Keijser, J., Nijborg, L. C. J., & Lenferink, L. I. M. (2024). Corrigendum to “The mediating role of state anger in the associations between intentions to participate in the criminal trial and psychopathology in traumatically bereaved people” [International Journal of Law and Psychiatry volume 85 (2022) 101840] (International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (2022) 85, (S0160252722000668), (10.1016/j.ijlp.2022.101840)). International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 95, Article 102008.


Bovendeerd, B., de Jong, K., de Groot, E., Moerbeek, M., Hafkenscheid, A., & de Keijser, J. (2023). The effect of therapist characteristics on the use and outcome of systematic client feedback in outpatient mental healthcare. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 30(5), 1146–1157.

van Dijk, I.,  Boelen, P.A.,  de Keijser, J. & Lenferink, L.I.M. (2023) Assessing DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder in children and adolescents: development of the Traumatic Grief Inventory – Kids – Clinician-Administered, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 14:2, DOI: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2197697

Lenferink, L.I.M., Eisma, M.C. Buiter, M.Y. de Keijser, J. & Boelen, P.A. (2023): Online cognitive behavioral therapy for prolonged grief after traumatic loss: a randomized waitlist-controlled trial, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2023.2225744

de Keijser, J., Kunst, M., Westerhof, G., Nijborg, L., & Lenferink, L. (2023). Spreekrecht voor nabestaanden. Letselschade News, 49(1).

de Keijser, J (2023). Rouw op de werkvloer: stand van zaken. Quintesse, 12,4,51-58

Nijborg, L.C.J., Westerhof, G.J., Kunst, M.J.J., de Keijser J. & Lenferink, L.I.M. (2023). Distinguishing prolonged grief and well-being in the context of a criminal trial: A longitudinal factor analytic study among homicidally bereaved people. European Journal of

Reitsma, L., Boelen,P.A., de Keijser, J.  & Lenferink, L.L.M. (2023). Self-guided online treatment of disturbed grief, posttraumatic stress, and depression in adults bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 163,


Boelen PA, Eisma MC, de Keijser J, Lenferink LIM (2022) Traumatic stress, depression, and non-bereavement grief following non-fatal traffic accidents: Symptom patterns and correlates. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0264497.

Boelen, P. A., Eisma, M. C., de Keijser, J. & Lenferink, L. I. M., (2022)  Concurrent associations of dimensions of anger with posttraumatic stress, depression, and functional impairment following non-fatal traffic accidents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 13, 1, 10 p., 2068912.

Buiter, M. Boelen, PA, Kunst, M, Gerlsma, C., de Keijser, J., Lenferink, L. (2022). The Role of State Anger in the Associations between Intentions to Participate in the Criminal Trial and Psychopathology in Traumatically Bereaved People. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry,85,

Snijdewind, M. C., de Keijser, J., Casteelen, G., Boelen, P. A. & Smid, G. E., (2022). “I lost so much more than my partner” – Bereaved partners’ grief experiences following suicide or physician-assisted dying in case of a mental disorder. BMC Psychiatry. 22, 1, 13 p., 454.

Lenferink, L. I. M., Eisma, M. C., Smid, G. E., de Keijser, J. & Boelen, P. A., (2022). Valid measurement of DSM-5 persistent complex bereavement disorder and DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder: The Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+), Comprehensive Psychiatry. 112, 9 p., 152281.

Lenferink, L. I. M., Nickerson, A., Kashyap, S., de Keijser, J., & Boelen, P. A. (2022, May 5). Associations of Dimensions of
Anger With Distress Following Traumatic Bereavement. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Bovendeerd,B., de Jong,K., de Groot,K., Moerbeek, M. & de Keijser, J. (2022) Enhancing the effect of psychotherapy through systematic client feedback in outpatient mental healthcare: A cluster randomized trial., Psychotherapy Researchhttps://DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2021.2015637



Lenferink, L., van den Munckhof, M., de Keijser, J. &  Boelen, P.A. DSM-5-TR prolonged grief disorder and DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder are related, yet distinct: Confirmatory factor analyses in traumatically bereaved people. October 2021 European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Lenferink, L., Eisma, M.C., Smid, G.E., de Keijser, J. & Boelen, P.A. Valid measurement of DSM-5 persistent complex bereavement disorder and DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder: The Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+) October 2021 Comprehensive Psychiatry

Reitsma, L., Boelen, P.A., de Keijser, J. & Lenferink, L. Online treatment of persistent complex bereavement disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression symptoms in people who lost loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial and a controlled trial [in press] September 2021 European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Boelen, P. A., Eisma, M. C., Smid, G. E., de Keijser, J., & Lenferink, L. I. M. (2021). Remotely delivered cognitive behavior therapy for disturbed grief during the COVID-19 crisis: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 26(3), 211-219.

Lenferink, L., de Keijser, J., Eisma, M., Smid, G., & Boelen, P. A. (2021). Treatment gap in bereavement care: (Online) bereavement support needs and use after traumatic loss. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 28(4), 907-916.


Coby Gerlsma, Valerie Lugtmeyer, Mariette Denderen, Jos de Keijser (2020) Revenge and forgiveness after victimization: psychometric evaluation of a Dutch version of the TRIM intended for victims and offenders.  Current Psychology.

Jos de Keijser, Marianne Snijdewind, Gerty Casteelen & Geert Smid (2020).  Complexe rouw: doodsoorzaak heeft invloed. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 164,26/27,100-103.

Lonneke Lenferink, Jos de Keijser, Maarten Eisma, Geert Smid & Paul Boelen (2020). Online cognitive behavioral therapy for traumatically bereaved people: Study protocol for a randomized waitlist-controlled trial. BMJ Open, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035050

Lonneke Lenferink, Jos de Keijser, Geert Smid & Paul Boelen (2020). Cognitive Therapy and EMDR for Reducing Psychopathology in Bereaved People after the MH17 Plane Crash: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Traumatology. DOI: 10.1037/trm0000253

Lonneke Lenferink, Angela Nickerson, Jos de Keijser, Geert Smid & Paul Boelen (2020). Trajectories of grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress in disaster-bereaved people. Depression and Anxiety, DOI: 10.1002/da.22850

Lenferink, L.I.M., Nickerson, A., de Keijser, J., Smid, G.E., & Boelen, P.A. (in press). Trajectories of grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress in disaster-bereaved people. Depression & Anxiety. DOI: 10.1002/da.22850

Lenferink, L., de Keijser, J., Wessel, I., & Boelen, P. A. (in review) Feasibility and potential effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness for relatives of missing persons: A pilot study.


Boelen, P., Smid, G. E., Verloop, B., de Keijser, J., & Lenferink, L. (Accepted/In press). Patterns, predictors, and prognostic validity of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) symptoms in recently bereaved adults: A latent class analysis. JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE.

Lenferink, L. I. M., Nickerson, A., de Keijser, J., Smid, G. E., & Boelen, P. A. (Accepted/In press). Reciprocal associations between symptom levels of disturbed grief, posttraumatic stress, and depression following traumatic loss: A four-wave cross-lagged study. Clinical Psychological Science.

Bovendeerd, A., de Jong,K., Colijn,S., de Groot,E. Hafkenscheid,A., Moerbeek,M. & de Keijser, J. (2019). Systematic client feedback to brief therapy in basic mental healthcare: study protocol for a four-centre clinical trial. BMJ Open. Bekijk publicatie


Boelen, P. A., Djelantik, A. A. A. M. J., de Keijser, J., Lenferink, L. I. M., & Smid, G. E. (2018). Further validation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report (TGI-SR): A measure of persistent complex bereavement disorder and prolonged grief disorder. Death Studies. Link

de Keijser, J., Boelen, P. A., & Smid, G. (2018). Handboek traumatische rouw. Amsterdam: Boom.

de Keijser, J. (2018). Suicide. In Handboek traumatische rouw (pp. 77-92). Amsterdam: Boom.

de Keijser, J., Lenferink, L., & Smid, G. E. (2018). Aanslagen en rampen. In Handboek Traumatische Rouw Boom.

Eisma, M., & de Keijser, J. (2018). Dodelijke verkeersongevallen. In J. de Keijser, P. Boelen, & G. Smid (Eds.), Handboek traumatische rouw (pp. 104-116). Amsterdam: Boom.

Lenferink, L., de Keijser, J., Wessel, I., & Boelen, P. A. (2018). Achterblijvers na vermissing. In J. de Keijser, P. Boelen, & G. Smid (Eds.), Handboek Traumatische Rouw (1 ed., pp. 129 – 141). Boom.

Lenferink, L. I. M., de Keijser, J., Wessel, I., & Boelen, P. A. (2018). Cognitive-behavioral correlates of psychological symptoms among relatives of missing persons. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 11(3), 311–324. Link

Lenferink, L. I. M., de Keijser, J., Piersma, E., & Boelen, P. A. (2018). I’ve changed, but I’m not less happy: Interview study among nonclinical relatives of long-term missing persons. Death Studies, 42(6), 346-355. Link

Lenferink, L. I. M., de Keijser, J., van Denderen, M. Y., & Boelen, P. A. (Accepted/In press). Latent classes of posttraumatic stress symptoms in two samples of bereaved people. International journal of stress management. Link

Lenferink, L., Nickerson, A., de Keijser, J., Smid, G. E., & Boelen, P. A. (2018). Trajectories of grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress in disaster-bereaved people. Depression and Anxiety. Link

van Denderen, M., de Keijser, J., Stewart, R., & Boelen, P. A. (2018). Treating complicated grief and posttraumatic stress in homicidally bereaved individuals: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 25(4), 497-508. Link


Lenferink, L., Piersma, E., de Keijser, J., Smid, G. E., & Boelen, P. A. (2017). Cognitive therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for reducing psychopathology among disaster-bereaved individuals: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8(1), [1388710]. Link

Lenferink, L., Eisma, M., de Keijser, J., & Boelen, P. A. (2017). Grief rumination mediates the association between self-compassion and psychopathology in relatives of missing persons. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8(sup6), [1378052]. Link

Lenferink, L. I. M., van Denderen, M. Y., de Keijser, J., Wessel, I., & Boelen, P. A. (2017). Prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress among relatives of missing persons and homicidally bereaved individuals: A comparative study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 209, 1-2. Link

Lenferink, L. I. M., de Keijser, J., Smid, G. E., Djelantik, A. A. A. M. J., & Boelen, P. A. (2017). Prolonged grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress in disaster-bereaved individuals: Latent class analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8(1), [1298311]. Link

Lenferink, L. I. M., de Keijser, J., Wessel, I., de Vries , D., & Boelen, P. A. (2017). Toward a better understanding of psychological symptoms in people confronted with the disappearance of a loved one: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Link

Relevant international publications

Boelen, P. A., van Denderen, M., & de Keijser, J.
(2016). Prolonged grief, posttraumatic stress, anger,
and revenge phenomena following homicidal loss: The role of negative cognitions and avoidance behaviors. Homicide Studies: An Interdisciplinary & International Journal, 20(2), 177-195. doi:10.1177/1088767915580674

Boelen, P. A., de Keijser, J., & Smid, G.
(2015). Cognitive–behavioral variables mediate the impact of violent loss on post-loss psychopathology. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 7(4), 382-390. doi:10.1037/tra0000018

Boelen, P.A., de Keijser, J., Spuij, M. & Smid, G.E.
(2016). Het Landelijk Centrum Traumatische Rouw.
Cogiscope, 3, 6-11.

Boelen, P.A, Lenferink, L.I.M. & de Keijser, J.
(submitted). Experiential Acceptance and Mindfulness as Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms.

de Beurs, DP, de Groot, MH, de Keijser, J., van Duijn, E., de Winter, RFP, Kerkhof, AJFM.
(2016). Evaluation of benefits to patients of training mental health professionals in suicide guidelines: cluster randomized trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, DOI 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.156208

de Beurs, DP, de Groot MH, de Keijser J, van Duijn, E, De Winter, RFP, Kerkhof AJFM
(2015). Training mental health professionals in suicide practice guideline adherence: Cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 186, 203-210.

de Beurs DP, de Groot MH, de Keijser J, Mokkenstorm J, van Duijn E, de Winter, RF, Kerkhof, AJFM
(2015). The effect of an e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer program on implementation of suicide guidelines in mental health care. Journal of Affective Disorders, 175, 446-453. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.01.046

Gerlsma, C., van Denderen, M., Lugtmeyer, V. & de Keijser, A.
(2016). Psychometric evaluation of a Dutch version of the TRIM in student samples from three educational levels and a sample of (ex-)detainees. Journal of forensic psychology practice,

Lenferink, L.I.M., van Denderen ,M.Y, de Keijser, J. Wessel, I. & Boelen, P.A.
(2017) Prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress among relatives of missing persons and homicidally bereaved individuals: A comparative study, Journal of Affective Disorders,

Lenferink. L.I.M., de Keijser, J., Piersma, E. & Boelen, P.A.
(submitted). I’ve changed, but I’m not less happy”: Interview study among nonclinical relatives of long-term missing persons.

Lenferink, L. I. M., van Denderen, M. Y., de Keijser, J., Wessel, I., & Boelen, P. A.
(2017). Prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress among relatives of missing persons and homicidally bereaved individuals: A comparative study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 209, 1-2.

Lenferink, L. I. M., Wessel, I., de Keijser, J., & Boelen, P. A.
(2016). Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychopathology in relatives of missing persons: Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2(1).

Lenferink, L.I.M., de Keijser, J., Wessel, I., de Vries, D. & Boelen, P.A.
(accepted). Towards a better understanding of psychological symptoms in people left behind after the disappearance of a loved one: a systematic review. Trauma, Violence & Abuse.

Lenferink, L.I.M., de Keijser, J., Smid, G.E., Djelantik, A.A.A.M.J., Boelen, P.A.
(in press). Prolonged grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress in disaster-bereaved individuals: Latent class analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology.

Lenferink, L.I.M., Piersma, E., de Keijser, J., Smid, G.E. & Boelen, P.A.
(submitted). Cognitive behavioural therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for disaster-bereaved individuals versus waiting list controls: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

van Denderen, M., de Keijser, J., Kleen, M., & Boelen, P. A.
(2015). Psychopathology among homicidally bereaved individuals: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 16(1), 70-80. doi:10.1177/1524838013515757

van Denderen, M., de Keijser, J., Huisman, M., & Boelen, P. A.
(2016). Prevalence and correlates of self-rated posttraumatic stress disorder and complicated grief in a community-based sample of homicidally bereaved individuals. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31(2), 207-227. doi:10.1177/0886260514555368

van Denderen, M., de Keijser, J., Stewart, R., & Boelen, P. A.,
(submitted). Treating Symptoms of Complicated Grief and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Homicidally Bereaved Individuals with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and EMDR: a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Relevant professional publications (from 2014)

Boelen, P.A., de Keijser, J. & Smid, G.
(2014). Individuele gevolgen van Traumatisch Verlies: Rouw na
de Vliegramp Oekraine. Cogiscope, 4,19-25.

de Groot, M. & de Keijser, J.
(2016). Opvang van nabestaanden na suicide. In: A Kerkhof & B. van
Luyn Behandeling van suicidaal gedrag in de praktijk van de GGZ. BSL, Houten.

de Keijser J.
(2014). Behandeling van de gevolgen van een niet-natuurlijk verlies. Rouw na moord,
suïcide of persoonsvermissing. In: J. Maes & H. Modderman (2014). Handboek Rouw,
rouwverwerking, rouwtherapie. Tussen presentie en interventie. p 281-293. Antwerpen: Witsand Uitgevers

de Keijser, J.
(2014). Diagnostiek en behandeling van complexe rouw. Oratie 13-5-2014 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

de Keijser, J
(2015) De emotionele gevolgen van medische fouten: onbekend gebied voor psychotrauma-onderzoek? Liber Amicorum R. Kleber, 8-12-2015. Arq: Diemen.

De Keijser, J
(2016). Het zelfgekozen levenseinde. Levensbeëindiging als oplossing? In: M. Vink, S.
Teunisse & H. Geertsema. Klaar met leven? Over ouderen, psychologie en de dood. p.11-25 BSL: Houten.

de Keijser, J.
(2016). Het zelfgekozen levenseinde. Levensbeeindiging als oplossing? In M. Vink, S.
Teunisse, H. Geertsema. Klaar met leven? Ouderen en het levenseinde in psychologisch perspectief. BSL, Houten.

De Keijser, J.
(2016). Suicidaal gedrag bij jongeren. Recensie Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 10,
Steendam, M., de Keijser, J., de Beurs, D. & Wenning, H. (2016). Suicidaliteit in de huisartsenpraktijk. In: A Kerkhof & B. van Luyn Behandeling van suicidaal gedrag in de praktijk van de GGZ. BSL, Houten.

Van der Velde, Bosmans, Bouman, De Keijser, Kleber, Schut
(2015). De belasting van traumaonderzoek: Een prospectieve multiwave-studie naar veronderstelde en onvermoede voorspellers. De Psycholoog, 50, 44-54.

Older scientific Publications

Publications Jos de Keijser before 2015 (PDF)